
We are a law firm for innovative companies and successful businesspeople

What we do

Our law firm is a place where you can meet professional and experienced lawyers who will take the time to understand you and your specific legal needs.

We formulate our advice clearly and are always looking for legal solutions that really work. We are convinced that the law should only be a means to achieve your goals, not the goal itself.

We are also the founding members of the Arcliffe network, thanks to which we can provide you with legal services in Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. We will advise you in Czech, Slovak, Russian, German, Italian and English.

How we do it

We recognize that you may need legal assistance from time to time for a variety of reasons, and that it may be difficult for you to figure out where to go and to find someone who can answer your questions. That's why we're here. We will guide you through the implementation of your plan from the beginning to its successful completion.

We often come up with innovations even in areas where established inefficient practices have been used for many years.

Tomáš Kruták



Before founding Kruták & Partners, Tomáš was a partner at Czech and international law firms, where he participated in the implementation of key infrastructure projects, such as the award of a contract for the acquisition of the first electronic toll system in the Czech Republic, the implementation of the first PPP projects or the introduction of paid parking zones in Prague. He has collaborated on the sale and purchase of companies with a total value of tens of billions of crowns, including the privatization of companies such as Czech Telecom and Unipetrol. At present, in addition to transaction consulting, he also deals with projects in the field of modern energy and electromobility, as well as public investments in the field of municipal infrastructure. In public procurement law, he has written several professional publications, most recently a commentary on the new Public Procurement Act.

Tomáš speaks English, German and Russian. He brews homemade beer and is a devoted follower of a punk band.

He can be reached at:

Tomáš Kruták

Před založením Kruták Partners získal Tomáš své zkušenosti jako partner českých i mezinárodních advokátních kanceláří. Podílel se na realizaci klíčových infrastrukturních projektů, jakým bylo zadání zakázky na pořízení prvního systému elektronického mýta v ČR, realizace prvních PPP projektů nebo zavedení zón placeného stání v Praze. Spolupracoval na prodejích a nákupech společností v souhrnné hodnotě desítek miliard korun, včetně privatizací firem jako Český Telecom a Unipetrol. V současné době se kromě transakčního poradenství věnuje i projektům v oblasti moderní energetiky a elektromobility a veřejným investicím v oblasti komunální infrastruktury. V oblasti práva veřejných zakázek Tomáš napsal několik odborných publikací, naposledy komentář k novému zákonu o zadávání veřejných zakázek. 

Tomáš mluví anglicky, německy a rusky. Vaří domácí pivo a věnuje se punkové hudební skupině.

Kontaktovat ho můžete na:

Michaela Wažiková



Before founding Kruták & Partners, Michaela gained her experience in Czech and international law firms. She specializes mainly in insolvency law, litigation and internal company processes and programs, having represented Czech and foreign banks in Czech insolvency proceedings, including the application of subordinated claims and claims based on the concept of syndicated creditor rights and collateral rights, and cooperated in the provision of judicial and extrajudicial solutions to large-scale commercial and damages disputes. She participates in the management of the firm.

Michaela speaks English. She like forests, meadows, gardens, art and dance.

She can be reached at:

Michaela Wažiková

Před založením Kruták Partners získala Michaela své zkušenosti v českých i mezinárodních advokátních kancelářích. Specializuje se zejména na insolvenční právo, sporná řízení a vnitrofiremní procesy a programy. Zastupovala české a zahraniční banky v českých insolvenčních řízeních, včetně uplatňování podřízených pohledávek a pohledávek založených na konceptu syndikovaných věřitelských práv a práv ze zajištění. Spolupracovala na soudních i mimosoudních řešeních rozsáhlých obchodních sporů a sporů o náhradu škody. Podílí se na vedení společnosti. 

Michaela mluví anglicky, má ráda lesy, louky, zahrady, umění a tanec.

Kontaktovat ji můžete na:


Milan Šiška



Milan specializes in litigation in which he has represented a branch of a leading Czech bank and several multinational companies. He has experience in IP cases with a focus on franchising and trademarks, as well as real estate and M&A projects, including related due diligence. As a lawyer registered with the Slovak Bar Association, he focuses primarily on the development of relations with Slovak clients and legal services to the firm's clients in Slovakia.

Milan speaks English and likes to fly planes.

Milan Šiška

Milan se specializuje na soudní spory, ve kterých zastupoval pobočku přední české banky a několik nadnárodních společností. Má zkušenosti jak z kauz v oblasti IP se zaměřením na franchising a ochranné známky, stejně tak i s realitními a M&A projekty včetně souvisejících due dilligence. Jako advokát zapsaný ve Slovenské advokátní komoře se zaměřuje primárně na rozvoj vztahů se slovenskou klientelou a právní servis našim klientům na Slovensku. 

Milan mluví anglicky a rád řídí letadla.

Šárka Kryglová



Šárka deals with public procurement issues, contract law and litigation. Recently she has been focusing on projects in the field of electricity and the development of electromobility. She completed a study stay in Sweden.

Šárka speaks English. In her free time, she enjoys reading, sports and traveling. She spends a lot of free time with her dog.

She can be reached at:

Šárka Kryglová

Šárka se zabývá problematikou veřejných zakázek, smluvním právem a soudními spory.  V poslední době se věnuje zejména projektům v oblasti elektroenergetiky a rozvoje elektromobility. Absolvovala studijní pobyt ve Švédsku.

Šárka mluví anglicky. Ve volném čase se věnuje četbě, sportu a cestování. Hodně volného času tráví se svým psem.

Kontaktovat ji můžete na:


Karolína Riečičiárová



Karolína has specialized throughout her career on commercial and contract law with a focus on M&A, venture capital and start-ups. She also deals with intellectual property and employment law. As a student she gained experience in consumer protection and public procurement law. She will be happy to assist you in preparing investment documentation, from term sheets to due diligence reports and investment and shareholders' agreements, as well as corporate changes and review of contracts with business partners and employees, including software suppliers.

Karolína speaks English and understands basic French. She loves cooking and good food, and in her free time she enjoys sports and reading.

She can be reached at:

Karolína Riečičiárová

Karolína se od počátku svého působení v advokacii věnuje především obchodnímu a smluvnímu právu se zaměřením na M&A, venture capital a start-upy. Okrajově se zabývá i právem duševního vlastnictví a pracovním právem. V období studií získala zkušenosti také z oblasti ochrany spotřebitele a veřejných zakázek. Ráda Vám pomůže s přípravou investiční dokumentace počínaje term sheetem, přes due diligence až po investiční smlouvu a dohodu společníků, s korporátními změnami či revizí smluv s obchodními partnery a zaměstnanci včetně dodavatelů software.

Karolína mluví anglicky a rozumí také základům francouzštiny. Její vášní je gastronomie a ve volném čase se věnuje sportu a četbě.

Kontaktovat ji můžete na:


Klára Djemel



Klára has worked in the legal profession since the beginning of her studies, initially as a legal assistant, and later as a junior associate. She gained experience especially in criminal, administrative and construction law, representing clients in disputes before the courts. In our firm, Klára specializes in litigation and criminal law. She is interested in issues related to liability for damage and questions of property rights. She is also pursuing a doctorate degree with a focus on environmental law.

Klára speaks English and German. When not busy with academic work, she enjoys unwinding in the forest on her horse or spending time with friends in the city.

She can be reached at:

Klára Djemel

Klára působila v advokacii již od začátku svého studia jako právní asistent a následně zahájila svou koncipientskou praxi. Zkušenosti získala zejména v oblasti trestního, správního a stavebního práva a při zastupování klientů ve sporech před soudy. V naší kanceláři se Klára se specializuje na spornou agendu a trestní právo. Zajímá se o problematiku odpovědnosti za újmu a otázky vlastnického práva. Klára rovněž pokračuje v doktorském studiu se zaměřením na právo životního prostředí.

Klára mluví anglicky a německy. Když nemusí plnit akademické povinnosti, ráda se odreaguje v lese na svém koni nebo s přáteli ve městě.

Kontaktovat ji můžete na:


Marek Ort

public procurement

veřejné zakázky

Since graduating, Marek has focused mainly on the issue of awarding public contracts and their administration from their beginning to successful end, i.e. selecting and concluding a contract with a supplier, as well as the preparation of tender conditions, drafting contracts for implementation and subsequent public contract management, communication with suppliers, assessment and evaluation of tenders, elaboration of decisions on objections, and representation of the contracting authority or supplier in administrative proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Competition. He also specializes in dealing with the day-to-day civil law contractual agenda.

Marek speaks English. In his free time, he reads science fiction and fantasy literature and plays the bass guitar. His hobbies also include boardgames and drinking good tea.

He can be reached at:

Marek Ort

Marek se od ukončení studia zaměřuje především na problematiku zadávaní veřejných zakázek a jejich administrace od jejich počátku do úspěšného konce – výběru dodavatele a uzavření smlouvy s ním, tedy jak přípravě zadávacích podmínek, návrhu smlouvy na realizaci, tak následné správě veřejné zakázky, komunikaci s dodavateli, posouzení a hodnocení nabídek, zpracování rozhodnutí o námitkách případně zastupování zadavatele či dodavatele ve správním řízení před Úřadem pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže.  Jeho specializací je rovněž řešení nejběžnější občanskoprávní smluvní agendy. 

Marek mluví anglicky. Ve volném čase se věnuje četbě science fiction a fantasy literatury a brnkání na basovou kytaru. Mezi jeho záliby patří také deskové hry a pití dobrého čaje.

Kontaktovat ho můžete na:

Jan Adamov

junior associate


Honza has specialized in civil, commercial and regulatory law since the beginning of his legal career. After gaining experience at several renowned law firms and a renewable energy startup, he joined our team, focusing on contract drafting and corporate governance. Passionate about constitutional law, he interned at the Chamber of Deputies and is currently pursuing a PhD at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law in Prague. His research examines the Czech Republic's sanction policies and state interventions in constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Honza speaks English, German and Russian. In his free time, you'll most often find him at the gym or enjoying a table full of delicious food.

He can be reached at:

Jan Adamov

Honza se od počátku své právnické dráhy zaměřuje na právo občanské, obchodní a regulatorní agendu. Po zkušenostech z několika renomovaných advokátních kanceláří a startupu obnovitelných zdrojů se připojil k nám, kde se zaměřuje na psaní smluv a korporátní agendu. Honzovou vášní je ústavní právo – byl mimo jiné na stáži v Poslanecké sněmovně a aktuálně pokračuje v doktorském studiu na katedře ústavního práva Právnické fakulty v Praze. Zde se věnuje tématu sankční politiky České republiky a zásahům státu do ústavně zaručených práv a svobod.

Honza mluví anglicky, německy a rusky. Ve volném čase ho nejčastěji najdete v posilovně nebo u stolu plného dobrého jídla.

Kontaktovat ho můžete na:


Jan Ort

junior associate


Honza previously focused on general practice and real estate law. In our firm, he primarily specializes in public procurement law and dispute resolution.

Honza speaks English. In his free time, he enjoys a variety of sports, with climbing being his favourite.

He can be reached at:

Jan Ort

Honza se na předchozí pozici věnoval generální praxi a právu nemovitostí. V naší kanceláři se zabývá především právem veřejných zakázek a sporným právem.

Honza mluví anglicky. Ve volném čase se rád věnuje téměř jakémukoli sportu, především ale lezení.

Můžete ho kontaktovat na:


Daniel Richter

junior associate


Daniel has been working in the legal field since the beginning of his studies. His earlier experience was primarily in immigration law, while he currently focuses on commercial law. He supports clients with drafting contractual documents, handling employment law matters, and addressing issues related to mergers and intellectual property protection.

Daniel speaks English and has a good understanding of Spanish. He has a longstanding interest in North America, which is reflected in his master's studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. He also pursued marketing in parallel. Daniel spent part of his life in New York. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, reading and exploring new culinary experiences.

He can be reached at:

Daniel Richter

Daniel působí v advokacii od počátku svého studia. Má předešlé zkušenosti zejména v cizineckém právu, u nás se věnuje obchodnímu právu. Klientům pomáhá s přípravou smluvní dokumentace, s pracovněprávní agendou a otázkami spojených s fúzemi a ochranou duševního vlastnictví.

Daniel mluví anglicky a dokáže porozumět i španělštině. Má dlouhodobý zájem o Severní Ameriku, což odráží i jeho magisterské studium na Fakultě sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy. Paralelně vystudoval také marketing. Část svého života strávil v New Yorku. Ve volném čase rád cestuje, čte a vyhledává nové gastronomické zážitky.

Kontaktovat ho můžete na:


Žaneta Horská

office manager

office manager

Žaneta is responsible for the marketing activities of the office and HR. She organizes client and internal events, trains new employees and takes care of existing ones. She likes to generate her own tasks.

Žaneta speaks English. She feeds the pigeons every morning on her way to work.

She can be reached at:

Žaneta Horská

Žaneta má na starosti marketinkovou činnost kanceláře a personalistiku. Organizuje klientské a interní akce, školí nové zaměstnance a pečuje o ty současné.

Žaneta mluví anglicky. Každé ráno cestou do práce krmí holuby.

Kontaktovat ji můžete na:


  • Fakturace
  • Marketing a IT
  • Personalistika

Martina Gašpárová



Martina takes care of our clients and the day-to-day running of the office. She is mainly responsible for administrative support and data box management. She also assists the attorneys and takes care of the staff.

Martina speaks English. She enjoys spending her free time actively, exploring beautiful places, taking pictures and enjoying time with her family and friends.

She can be reached at:

Martina Gašpárová

Martina pečuje o klienty a každodenní chod kanceláře. Na starosti má především administrativní podporu a správu datových schránek. Také se podílí na asistenci advokátům a péči o zaměstnance.

Martina mluví anglicky. Volný čas tráví nejraději pohybem, poznáváním krásných míst, focením a ve společnosti svých blízkých.

Kontaktovat ji můžete na:


  • Fakturace
  • Správa datových schránek


Information about processing of personal data HERE.
Privacy policy

© 2020 Kruták & Partners, advokátní kancelář s.r.o. All rights reserved.

Who are we?

A law firm for innovative companies and successful businesspeople

What we do

Our law firm is a place where you can meet professional and experienced lawyers who will take the time to understand you and your specific legal needs.

We formulate our advice clearly and are always looking for legal solutions that really work. We are convinced that the law should only be a means to achieve your goals, not the goal itself.

Within the Czech Republic, we will provide you with legal services in Prague, Brno and Ostrava. We are also the founding members of the Arcliffe network, thanks to which we can provide you with legal services in Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. We will advise you in Czech, Slovak, Russian, German, Italian and English.

How we do it

We recognize that you may need legal assistance from time to time for a variety of reasons, and that it may be difficult for you to figure out where to go and to find someone who can answer your questions. That's why we're here. We will guide you through the implementation of your plan from the beginning to its successful completion.

We often come up with innovations even in areas where established inefficient practices have been used for many years.

Tomáš Kruták



Before founding Kruták & Partners, Tomáš was a partner at Czech and international law firms, where he participated in the implementation of key infrastructure projects, such as the award of a contract for the acquisition of the first electronic toll system in the Czech Republic, the implementation of the first PPP projects or the introduction of paid parking zones in Prague. He has collaborated on the sale and purchase of companies with a total value of tens of billions of crowns, including the privatization of companies such as Czech Telecom and Unipetrol. At present, in addition to transaction consulting, he also deals with projects in the field of modern energy and electromobility, as well as public investments in the field of municipal infrastructure. In public procurement law, he has written several professional publications, most recently a commentary on the new Public Procurement Act.

Tomáš speaks English, German and Russian. He brews homemade beer and is a devoted follower of a punk band.

He can be reached at:

Tomáš Kruták

Before founding Kruták & Partners, Tomáš was a partner at Czech and international law firms, where he participated in the implementation of key infrastructure projects, such as the award of a contract for the acquisition of the first electronic toll system in the Czech Republic, the implementation of the first PPP projects or the introduction of paid parking zones in Prague. He has collaborated on the sale and purchase of companies with a total value of tens of billions of crowns, including the privatization of companies such as Czech Telecom and Unipetrol. At present, in addition to transaction consulting, he also deals with projects in the field of modern energy and electromobility, as well as public investments in the field of municipal infrastructure. In public procurement law, he has written several professional publications, most recently a commentary on the new Public Procurement Act.

Tomáš speaks English, German and Russian. He brews homemade beer and is a devoted follower of a punk band.

He can be reached at:

Michaela Wažiková



Before founding Kruták & Partners, Michaela gained her experience in Czech and international law firms. She specializes mainly in insolvency law, litigation and internal company processes and programs, having represented Czech and foreign banks in Czech insolvency proceedings, including the application of subordinated claims and claims based on the concept of syndicated creditor rights and collateral rights, and cooperated in the provision of judicial and extrajudicial solutions to large-scale commercial and damages disputes. She participates in the management of the firm.

Michaela speaks English. She like forests, meadows, gardens, art and dance.

She can be reached at:

Michaela Wažiková

Before founding Kruták & Partners, Michaela gained her experience in Czech and international law firms. She specializes mainly in insolvency law, litigation and internal company processes and programs, having represented Czech and foreign banks in Czech insolvency proceedings, including the application of subordinated claims and claims based on the concept of syndicated creditor rights and collateral rights, and cooperated in the provision of judicial and extrajudicial solutions to large-scale commercial and damages disputes. She participates in the management of the firm.

Michaela speaks English. She like forests, meadows, gardens, art and dance.

She can be reached at:

professional specialization

Milan Šiška



Milan specializes in litigation in which he has represented a branch of a leading Czech bank and several multinational companies. He has experience in IP cases with a focus on franchising and trademarks, as well as real estate and M&A projects, including related due diligence. As a lawyer registered with the Slovak Bar Association, he focuses primarily on the development of relations with Slovak clients and legal services to the firm's clients in Slovakia.

Milan speaks English and likes to fly planes.

Milan Šiška

Milan specializes in litigation in which he has represented a branch of a leading Czech bank and several multinational companies. He has experience in IP cases with a focus on franchising and trademarks, as well as real estate and M&A projects, including related due diligence. As a lawyer registered with the Slovak Bar Association, he focuses primarily on the development of relations with Slovak clients and legal services to the firm's clients in Slovakia.

Milan speaks English and likes to fly planes.

professional specialization

Šárka Kryglová



Šárka deals with public procurement issues, contract law and litigation. Recently she has been focusing on projects in the field of electricity and the development of electromobility. She completed a study stay in Sweden.

Šárka speaks English. In her free time, she enjoys reading, sports and traveling. She spends a lot of free time with her dog.

She can be reached at:

Šárka Kryglová

Šárka deals with public procurement issues, contract law and litigation. Recently she has been focusing on projects in the field of electricity and the development of electromobility. She completed a study stay in Sweden.

Šárka speaks English. In her free time, she enjoys reading, sports and traveling. She spends a lot of free time with her dog.

She can be reached at:

professional specialization

Karolína Riečičiárová



Karolína has specialized throughout her career on commercial and contract law with a focus on M&A, venture capital and start-ups. She also deals with intellectual property and employment law. As a student she gained experience in consumer protection and public procurement law. She will be happy to assist you in preparing investment documentation, from term sheets to due diligence reports and investment and shareholders' agreements, as well as corporate changes and review of contracts with business partners and employees, including software suppliers.

Karolína speaks English and understands basic French. She loves cooking and good food, and in her free time she enjoys sports and reading.

She can be reached at:

Karolína Riečičiárová

Karolína has specialized throughout her career on commercial and contract law with a focus on M&A, venture capital and start-ups. She also deals with intellectual property and employment law. As a student she gained experience in consumer protection and public procurement law. She will be happy to assist you in preparing investment documentation, from term sheets to due diligence reports and investment and shareholders' agreements, as well as corporate changes and review of contracts with business partners and employees, including software suppliers.

Karolína speaks English and understands basic French. She loves cooking and good food, and in her free time she enjoys sports and reading.

She can be reached at:

professional specialization

Klára Djemel



Klára has worked in the legal profession since the beginning of her studies, initially as a legal assistant, and later as a junior associate. She gained experience especially in criminal, administrative and construction law, representing clients in disputes before the courts. In our firm, Klára specializes in litigation and criminal law. She is interested in issues related to liability for damage and questions of property rights. She is also pursuing a doctorate degree with a focus on environmental law.

Klára speaks English and German. When not busy with academic work, she enjoys unwinding in the forest on her horse or spending time with friends in the city.

She can be reached at:

Klára Djemel

Klára has worked in the legal profession since the beginning of her studies, initially as a legal assistant, and later as a junior associate. She gained experience especially in criminal, administrative and construction law, representing clients in disputes before the courts. In our firm, Klára specializes in litigation and criminal law. She is interested in issues related to liability for damage and questions of property rights. She is also pursuing a doctorate degree with a focus on environmental law.

Klára speaks English and German. When not busy with academic work, she enjoys unwinding in the forest on her horse or spending time with friends in the city.

She can be reached at:

professional specialization

Marek Ort

public procurement

veřejné zakázky

Since graduating, Marek has focused mainly on the issue of awarding public contracts and their administration from their beginning to successful end, i.e. selecting and concluding a contract with a supplier, as well as the preparation of tender conditions, drafting contracts for implementation and subsequent public contract management, communication with suppliers, assessment and evaluation of tenders, elaboration of decisions on objections, and representation of the contracting authority or supplier in administrative proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Competition. He also specializes in dealing with the day-to-day civil law contractual agenda.

Marek speaks English. In his free time, he reads science fiction and fantasy literature and plays the bass guitar. His hobbies also include boardgames and drinking good tea.

He can be reached at:

Marek Ort

Since graduating, Marek has focused mainly on the issue of awarding public contracts and their administration from their beginning to successful end, i.e. selecting and concluding a contract with a supplier, as well as the preparation of tender conditions, drafting contracts for implementation and subsequent public contract management, communication with suppliers, assessment and evaluation of tenders, elaboration of decisions on objections, and representation of the contracting authority or supplier in administrative proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Competition. He also specializes in dealing with the day-to-day civil law contractual agenda.

Marek speaks English. In his free time, he reads science fiction and fantasy literature and plays the bass guitar. His hobbies also include boardgames and drinking good tea.

He can be reached at:

professional specialization

Jan Adamov

junior associate


Honza has specialized in civil, commercial and regulatory law since the beginning of his legal career. After gaining experience at several renowned law firms and a renewable energy startup, he joined our team, focusing on contract drafting and corporate governance. Passionate about constitutional law, he interned at the Chamber of Deputies and is currently pursuing a PhD at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law in Prague. His research examines the Czech Republic's sanction policies and state interventions in constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Honza speaks English, German and Russian. In his free time, you'll most often find him at the gym or enjoying a table full of delicious food.

He can be reached at:

Jan Adamov

Honza has specialized in civil, commercial and regulatory law since the beginning of his legal career. After gaining experience at several renowned law firms and a renewable energy startup, he joined our team, focusing on contract drafting and corporate governance. Passionate about constitutional law, he interned at the Chamber of Deputies and is currently pursuing a PhD at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law in Prague. His research examines the Czech Republic's sanction policies and state interventions in constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Honza speaks English, German and Russian. In his free time, you'll most often find him at the gym or enjoying a table full of delicious food.

He can be reached at:

professional specialization

Contract Law
Construction Law
Energy, E-mobility, Smart Cities

Jan Ort

junior associate


Honza previously focused on general practice and real estate law. In our firm, he primarily specializes in public procurement law and dispute resolution.

Honza speaks English. In his free time, he enjoys a variety of sports, with climbing being his favourite.

He can be reached at:

Jan Ort

Honza previously focused on general practice and real estate law. In our firm, he primarily specializes in public procurement law and dispute resolution.

Honza speaks English. In his free time, he enjoys a variety of sports, with climbing being his favourite.

He can be reached at:

professional specialization

Daniel Richter

junior associate


Daniel has been working in the legal field since the beginning of his studies. His earlier experience was primarily in immigration law, while he currently focuses on commercial law. He supports clients with drafting contractual documents, handling employment law matters, and addressing issues related to mergers and intellectual property protection.

Daniel speaks English and has a good understanding of Spanish. He has a longstanding interest in North America, which is reflected in his master's studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. He also pursued marketing in parallel. Daniel spent part of his life in New York. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, reading and exploring new culinary experiences.

He can be reached at:

Daniel Richter

Daniel has been working in the legal field since the beginning of his studies. His earlier experience was primarily in immigration law, while he currently focuses on commercial law. He supports clients with drafting contractual documents, handling employment law matters, and addressing issues related to mergers and intellectual property protection.

Daniel speaks English and has a good understanding of Spanish. He has a longstanding interest in North America, which is reflected in his master's studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. He also pursued marketing in parallel. Daniel spent part of his life in New York. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, reading and exploring new culinary experiences.

He can be reached at:

professional specialization

Žaneta Horská

office manager

office manager

Žaneta is responsible for the marketing activities of the office and HR. She organizes client and internal events, trains new employees and takes care of existing ones. She likes to generate her own tasks.

Žaneta speaks English. She feeds the pigeons every morning on her way to work.

She can be reached at:

Žaneta Horská

Žaneta is responsible for the marketing activities of the office and HR. She organizes client and internal events, trains new employees and takes care of existing ones. She likes to generate her own tasks.

Žaneta speaks English. She feeds the pigeons every morning on her way to work.

She can be reached at:

professional specialization

  • Invoicing
  • Marketing and IT
  • Human resources

Martina Gašpárová



Martina takes care of our clients and the day-to-day running of the office. She is mainly responsible for administrative support and data box management. She also assists the attorneys and takes care of the staff.

Martina speaks English. She enjoys spending her free time actively, exploring beautiful places, taking pictures and enjoying time with her family and friends.

She can be reached at:

Martina Gašpárová

Martina takes care of our clients and the day-to-day running of the office. She is mainly responsible for administrative support and data box management. She also assists the attorneys and takes care of the staff.

Martina speaks English. She enjoys spending her free time actively, exploring beautiful places, taking pictures and enjoying time with her family and friends.

She can be reached at:

professional specialization

  • Invoicing
  • Data box management